Time is Money, and Money is Time
Time management is something we could all get better at, let’s be honest. Whether it be on the job, in school, or even in your personal life, effective time management has significant benefits. Time management helps you accomplish more tasks quickly and leaves you stress free. There are many different ways to go about managing…
Debunking Myths: The relationship between student loans and credit score
For many college students, student loans are a major component in helping to afford college. Life after college can be especially confusing when having to manage both student loans and personal finances. For some, it is the first time they have to deal with things like budgeting and making student loan payments. Many schools also…
Things I Wish I Knew About Finance In College
When I was 4 years old, I remember thinking, “I can’t wait to be an adult!” Then, when I entered my first year of college, I had to be an adult and I had no idea how. Adulting is hard, I get it. A big part of adulting is learning and growing from your mistakes,…
Budgeting for a Healthy Lifestyle
Health and wellness are notoriously expensive. Gym memberships, personal trainers, organic foods, dairy alternatives and more come with a hefty price tag. It’s common to think that choosing to live a healthy lifestyle is a trade-off for more spending — but what if it doesn’t have to be so expensive? Making smart financial decisions can help you…
Money Saving Habits for College Students
This school year is unlike any other. For both continuing students and freshmen, the college experience is fundamentally changed and provides new and unique challenges on top of the constant existential dread of just being a student. However, may we find reassurance in the constants of college life, such as the fact that college students…
Are Credit Cards Worth It?
Do you really need that extra piece of plastic in your wallet? Yes, and here’s why. Build credit. A credit score and credit history may seem ambiguous now, but there will come a day when you will wish for that high credit score and long credit history. Whether it is renting or buying a property…
A message from our CEO
We recognize with the ever-changing COVID-19 virus situation that this is an uncertain time for everyone. Our hearts and our thoughts go out to everyone on this planet that we call home. At the end of the day we are all human, and sooner or later we must all face challenging times. Preparing you, our…
New to the U.S.? Start Building Your Credit Score Now
Credit determines your financial future In the US, having good credit matters more than ever. Having good credit will ensure you qualify for affordable rates on student loans, auto loans, insurance, and mortgages, saving you tons of money and making it easier to pay them back in the long term. Credit can determine whether you…
Tomo — My first credit card as an international student! No credit score required.
I recently moved to San Francisco from London to study for an MBA at Berkeley Haas because I wanted to be at the heart of the tech ecosystem and learn more about the innovation happening within financial services. In order to understand this landscape more, I wanted to work with a company innovating the space,…
The New Tomo Card
Here at Tomo, we know you’re not just a credit score. When you sign up today not only can you get approved with no credit history but we are the first card offering up to 20% in cashback. EVER. How does it work? First, you’ll want to sign up for our waitlist. When you get your…