Tag: Tomo

  • Avoid Fooling Around with your Food Budget

    As we head into April and COVID-19 restrictions allow for restaurant reopenings, it is essential to reassess your food budget. Most people have come across the thought process of choosing to eat a meal out or stay in and eat what is at home. This is a typical expense that people experience daily. There are…

  • Avoiding Cabin Fever: Tips for Wellness in Social Isolation

    It was around this time last year that the strangeness of social distancing would soon become our new normal. The necessity to physically isolate from others has led to massive lifestyle changes that revolve around working, socializing, and studying from the comfort of home. Modern technology and software has helped us create new traditions that…

  • Spring Clean Your Finances

    Spring is just around the corner, giving us an opportunity to welcome the new season through some much needed spring cleaning. Along with tidying up your house, it’s a smart idea to check your finances and get ready for the rest of the year, along with the approaching tax season. Here are some easy steps…

  • 4 Ways to Enhance Your Virtual Networking Experience

    For college students and recent graduates, working and studying remotely for almost a year has created much uncertainty surrounding career growth and future development. Understandably, it can feel overwhelming to sort through a myriad of virtual resources. From career fairs to professional panels, here are 4 ways to get the most from online networking opportunities.…

  • How to Budget as a College Student in 3 Easy Steps

    Managing money as a college student is not an easy task. As you start your college journey, there are many activities to manage such as school work, extracurriculars, social life, etc. Most students quickly learn that it is essential to be cautious of the money you spend in order to continue with daily activities. Here…