Tag: Credit Cards

  • Fintech, making changes together

    2023, the year Tomo learned how to “ride”with the waves It has been 5 years since Tomo launched and we continue to surf the unpredicted waves of fintech to ultimately continue our mission of building a better tomorrow. I’m not saying it was easy, but we’re proud of what we’ve achieved around credit building and…

  • Shop Smart Online: 7 to Use Your Credit Card Safely

    Have you ever been online shopping and all of a sudden a pop-up message blocks your whole screen with a message like, “A virus has been detected on your computer. Please click on the link to remove the virus from your computer,” or something of that nature? Well, you’re not alone. Millions of people every…

  • 8 Tips to Maximize Your Tax Refund

    Tax season is here! The IRS just announced that Monday, 1/23/23, was the first day they would begin accepting and processing 2022 tax year returns. The deadline to file is 4/18/23, so save the date on your calendars! If you plan on making some big purchases with your refund, you might want to read on…

  • How this Startup is Making Credit Accessible to Everyone

    It’s 2023, but is there still structural racism in the credit card industry? In a survey from 5000 Americans, studies found that BIPOC individuals reported having the lowest or no credit score. Though the disadvantage for BIPOC folks has played a significant role in lack of financial education and literacy, this hasn’t stopped them from…

  • GenZ will spend $50 on a cup, but won’t pay off their high APR credit cards

    Many of you may have heard of the infamous “Stanley Cup/Tumbler” trending all over TikTok. Consumers that have fallen prey to this trend seem to be GenZ, many posting cup reviews all over the app. Although the tumblers do have pretty rave reviews and seem to do the job, the cost of the cup is…

  • American credit card debt continues to climb while GenZ is unaware of APR repercussions

    According to Bankrate, 46% of credit card holders are currently carrying debt month-to-month due to inflation and paying for daily expenses. 50% of GenZ don’t know and don’t understand the APR linked to their debt. So what does this mean? With no real idea of when inflation will start to go down, many young adults…

  • How to Get a Perfect 850 Credit Score

    If you suffer from a low or (in many cases) no credit score, it may be quite difficult to achieve some of your personal financial goals. Some of these goals include: obtaining an auto loan, mortgage, or applying for any other types of loans. According to FICO’s most recent statistics, only 1.6% of 232 million…

  • This startup helps you be credit card debt-free in 2023

    Credit card debt, or any debt for that matter, can be a huge headache. No one likes to borrow money, especially if there is interest accruing on top of that. This New Year, make sure you are well organized and have a plan focused on your financial goals. SF based startup, TomoCredit, helps their users…

  • 6 Tips for First Time Credit Card Holders in 2023

    It’s 2023 and you’ve finally decided to open a credit card. Congrats and welcome to the credit building family! We’re so proud of you for taking action towards your personal financial journey 🙂 TomoCredit wants to share with you 6 tips that will help you maximize your Tomo card: 1. Pay your bills on time. Luckily,…

  • This startup wants you to reach the highest credit score FAST in 2023!

    As many of us are planning our New Year’s Resolutions, it seems safe to say that Financial Resolutions usually make the top of the list. This year, TomoCredit, an SF based startup, wants to help millions reach their highest credit score, as FAST as possible. TomoCredit is targeted towards GenZ and Millenials and aimed at…